Brownies, Bakes and Bespoke Catering

Here’s a little history of your Hathren Brownies!

A part time teacher and mother of three sharing uniquely delicious brownies and bakes from the heart of West Wales. I’ve been baking Brownies for the past eight years. Friends and family go crazy for them… so we made them available online. They are devoured and welcomed at every party attended and school staff rooms, giving that much needed energy boost. I hope you enjoy them as much as all my family and friends- they don’t last long in our house!

Where are they made?

I make these delicious bakes at home in our Welsh farmhouse baked fresh and to order, by hand, in small batches with carefully sourced ingredients. As the daughter of a dairy and sheep farmer I’ve appreciated the importance of great tasting food, not always healthy but comforting and tasty, enough to help you endure the elements. Shearing day was the highlight of the year with all the local farmwives competing with their bakes.

Why the name Hathren?

The name Hathren derives from a stream that flows through Cwmann, the village where I live and joins the Teifi near the Ceredigion and Carmarthenshire border. It’s also of family importance with both my great uncle John and my niece Marged bearing the name.

The Recipes

Many of the recipes I use have been passed down through the generations. My great Grandmother allegedly took food with her to any social occassion and gathering. Both my Grandmother and Mother would nourish guests in their Farmhouse B&B. That being an incentive for my Mother to open her own Restaurant ‘Y Pantri’ in the Market and University town of Lampeter over 40 years ago. Feeding ravenous farmers going to market and wealthy ladies on their shopping escapades alike with her freshly produced cuisine.

Food is in the blood. I hope you enjoy this slice of Wales.

Thank you to Elen for her perseverance and getting this website set up.

Croeso i’r wefan!

Rwy’n fam i dri o blant ac yn athrawes rhan amser rwyf wedi dechrau cael blas ar bobi danteithion o bob math. Mae’r brownies yna’n bobolgaidd iawn yn yr ardal ac yn diflannu’n go sydyn o ystafelloedd staff ac o ddosbarthiadau!

Rwy’n byw yng ngorllewin Cymru ym mhentref Cwmann er Cardi ydw i i’r carn ac wedi fy ngeni a’m magu ym mhentref Cellan. Felly, dwi heb fentro’n bell o adref! Rwy’n ferch fferm ac er mod i’n athrawes dwi dal i gael fy llusgo i helpu adref weithiau- aros yn y bwlch fel arfer wrth grynhoi’r defaid. Mae bwyd a chegin y ffermdy Cymreig yn ganolog i’r bywyd amaethyddol. Mae bwydo ffermwyr llwglyd yn y gwaed. Gobeithiaf y wnewch chi fwynhau brownies Hathren a lledu’r neges.

An Apperance on S4C.

I was lucky enough to appear on Prynhawn Da, a Welsh magazine show on S4C in a clip depicting the Hathren beginnings and history. Hope you enjoy!


Gwrandewch ar y sgwrs yma gyda Shan Cothi.


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